so this week!
monday: we made cookies and peanut butter bars and it was amazing! then we went to the gothers for dinner and then saw maree and alyssa, maree has her wedding dress and it's beautiful! i love weddings!!!
tuesday: felt ill, yeesh I know! talked this really nice girl named Hazel, who we are meeting with in a week! Had a meeting in the evening!
wednesday: took a train down to Dunfermilne and spent the day there! Had lots of laughs with sister stewart and pennock, some of the best sisters ever! we did chapping, ate mcdonalds, went to the broadcast of the missionary fireside! which was really amazing!!! then we exercised with an olympian and personal trainer for an hour........i thought i was going to dye....literally. I have never ever been so sore in my entire life!! Yeesh she is so fit to do it all! but it was really fun!!
thursday: train back to aberdeen!
friday: taught michael, who is doing good, he really wants to be baptised! then we took dinner to a lady who just had a baby and has the cutest baby ever! crazy i was here when she announced she was pregnant! crazy 9 months in aberdeen!
saturday: the elders had a baptism! Zsolt is super cool and excited about the gospel!! then fraser took us out to lunch. We taught Rena! Then we went to a Scottish burns night! they even addressed the haggis and there was dancing it was really exciting!
sunday: i spoke:( booooo. We had dinner with the Geekies
I am going to miss Aberdeen. I found out I will be leaving and find out where on sunday. sad to go but excited for a change.....mixed feelings
ponderize this week Alma 44:4 Now ye see that this is the true faith of God; yea, ye see that God will support, and keep, and preserve us, so long as we are faithful unto him, and unto our faith, and our religion; and never will the Lord suffer that we shall be destroyed except we should fall into transgression and deny our faith.
love you all! have a great week!!