Nick is really good, he is progressing and didn't say no to baptism like he has done before (yay)
Maree and Alyssa also good. Maree is getting married on the 26 of February! YAY!
Elsie: doing good, haha out of the habit of coming to church
Rena: doing well as well, no more chicken pox.
Michael: is good, he said he believes the book of mormon is true!!
Zianchi: a new investigator, he is amazing! He was so grateful that we gave him a Book of Mormon, he acted like we gave him a million dollars, that is how everyone should act! if only
Jorge and Lucas: doing well, didnt' make it to church:( BUT are getting baptized on the 19 of Dec.
Other things:
I officially hit my year mark boooooo
I found out a go home a week earlier also boooo
(not that i don't love you all, but please can time SLOW DOWN)
someone told me i sound french...oh dear.
we walked 4 dogs, who hate other dogs......so intense...and awesome
I got a flue shot (yes, i did. i know be proud, i did with my agency)
and yes my arm was killing for days.
i picked up a cat...go me.
a rabbit bit sister cheve
we ate the best cupcakes EVER
we built snowman, that are darling! out of socks! woot!
sister reed spent the day with us, and she is wonderful
all in all a great busy week
love you lots!!!!!!